Have you guys experienced any Critical Events since updating Nvidia drivers for your GeForce GTX cards (if you have one)? My card is not great (GeForce 560) but since updating drivers to play Bf4, I've run into a bunch of Critical Events (Kernel-Power). I've had to try a few different driver version with varying success. System Specs: Win7 Pro (64-bit) Intel i7-2600K (sandybridge) @ 3.4GHz GeForce GTX 560 (1GB) - driver 331.58 (331.65 was awful for me) 16GB Ram DX11 Any recommend a stable driver they've been using?? Thanks
Try and revert back to the previous nvidia driver. I too am on the newest driver and no issues yet, I am on the a gtx 550ti 2GB SC edition. EDIT: Scratch that as of 10:20 my screen flashed black and game up with the Kernal error message you mentioned. My guess it is the driver and 5 series GPU's.
I have been having those kernel power errors lately also. Super frustrating. I haven't been able to trace down the root cause. Just downloaded the developer sdk to allow me to read the memory dump file.
Have you tried playing using the 32bit bf4 executable? I told the 32x bit doesn't crash as much as 64x. I'm not having any issues at all but some small texture issues. :icon_biggrin: ~Res
Sorry to hear Grem.. My original driver (to revert back to) is not supported on BF4 so I've been trying some of the newer drivers.. I'm currently using: 331.58 - it's better then 331.65 but I did run into a Kernal error. [hr] Munkie, I think you can open the partial dump via My Computer > Manage > Event Viewer > Administrative Events - then select the Details tab of the 'critical' event. I think the problem may have something to do with Energy Settings/Sleep settings.. could be totally wrong though.. [hr] [hr] Res - No, I haven't tried 32bit exe.. I'll give it a whirl - thx!
are u getting this error? event 41, Kernel-power if so its your psu. alot of the time going out or ram is starting to crap out i know that is 2 way different solutions but that is what that error means im getting it to using nvdia gts450
I'll have to check the event and task ID when I get home but yes, this will totally suck if it's my power supply. I think my psu is 800 watts so I don't think I should be having issues there.. Goddammit.
it might not be a size issue it could just be its dying fomr heat or use how long have u had it. and when is the last time you cleaned your comp out. good cleaning sometimes does wonders
Just checked Event viewer and it is ID 41 / Task 63.. and yes, my machine has not seen a good cleaning in 2+ yrs.. I could make a toupee from all the dust bunnies..