Wildstar Beta

Discussion in 'Gaming World & Technology.' started by r3ap3r63, Feb 5, 2014.

  1. r3ap3r63 New Member

    Jan 13, 2014
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    So i figured i would see if anyone is gonna check this out or happens to be in the beta. and if you have no idea what this game is then here is some info for your arse's

    I want to preface this by saying nothing is final the game is still in beta but as follows is just some of the stuff i wanted to talk about.

    I want to preface this by saying nothing is final the game is still in beta but as follows is just some of the stuff i wanted to talk about.

    Well sense i haven't seen anyone else mention it yet on the forum i figured i would give a quick review of the up coming Carbine Studios game "Wildstar". it is a new mmorpg that by far looks like it could be the most fun i have had in a long time sense vanilla wow. The main advantages im seeing are the fact that the action combat and the customization of the character mounts housing war plots everything. The combat itself is no longer the norm tab targeting face roll 1-0 on the kb. its kind of like vanilla wow meets GW2 and league of legends. you have to aim all spells. or they miss no more just clicking a name of a friendly or target and pressing the button to do what you want. Its all based on a telegraph system like what wow started putting in w/ MOP. crap on the ground is going to hurt so move but instead of just random elites and raid bosses its everything that has telegraphs. in this game you have sprint for limited time and double jump. so you have to actually actively play not just stand in one spot. getting hit by a telegraphed attack will destroy you even on the lower creatures. so it brings some excitement back into a genre that feels dead at this time to me.

    Along with the active combat style they are also bringing back 40 man raids with 20 man options as well. war plots which are more like massive pvp where u build up a war plot like you want and can fight other war plots. sounds like it is going to be awesome. not so much a fan of pvp in there type of games but with how it looks ill prob be giving a good shot. Along with the combat and the war plots also comes the normal qsting. but with a diff twist, so we all know the go kill 10 wolves qst. well now instead of it always being kill 10 wolves its based on what you decide to kill. everything is based on a percentage for this type of qst. killing a bigger mob will give a bigger percentage so you have the choice of killing 5 bigs or 10 smalls to get the same percentage towards the qst. alo as many mmooers know the the most hated thing in a long time is pugging anything. its a pain so they also gave us the option so say u have 3 ppl in a group and can't find the other 2. there is an lfg with filters like only my server and things like that. or there is a different type of dungeon called a deckhand which is scale-able content based on the levels of the players and the amount so you can solo them or group up for some better stuff. but you still have the option of doing the normal group of 5 people for a duengon. so they gave you options on how you want to qst how you want to group and how to level i forgot to mention you can actually level your character while in pvp.

    Next part i really wanted to talk about is the customization in the game. Mmoers all know how everyone looks the same with BIS "best in slot" well not anymore in this game. there is what is called a costume system which allows to keep the gear you have but change the look of it alot like wow's transmogrification , but in wow you can only transmog something of the same type so plate into plate and so on. Not in Wildstar everything can be used so say you want to be a beast of a stalker but in a robe you can. it doesnt stop there though. We prob no how the dye system worked in D3 you could change one piece of gear with one dye and some would not even change. well in this its more of like DCU i want a red strap on this shoulder i want a green strap on this side blue belt with all black armor well you can do that. more on the customization is mounts that's right you can customize them as well so now you dont look just like the guy next to you on the same travelers mammoth. its really not much but its the small things like this in games that really draw me in.

    Last but not least as above customization is key well you can also have your own house in the game aswell which can be decorated any way you like. Want a table upside down on the ceiling you can do that. Say you hate dealing with the hustle and bustle of the main cities for a crafting table well you can put one of those in your house as well. it really is a lot of games rolled in together to make this awesome thing called wild star. also friend can be given access to help with the house say your not very creative but they you can give them access to your house as a neighbor and they can come over and help you with it. While still maintaining account security. Links will be posted down below if anyone is interested in the game.

    http://www.wildstar-online.com/en/ main site alot of the information is in the videos

    Ps kinda forgot to mention a few things. Well 8 races 6 classes atm
    Exile "good" aurin human granok and mordesh
    dominion "evil" CHUA "my race" draken mechari and Cassian
    lil break down on each

    Aurin tailed little people that love nature the new night elves=

    human what it sounds like=

    granok rock people think the Thing from fantastic four=

    mordesh undead people that turned this way after trying to find a way to immortality

    cassian the evil humans=

    mechari big robots that looks cool as hell

    draken beast looking dude with horns=

    and my personal fav Chua lil itty bitty creatures that looks like screwed up rabbits.

    now for the classes they are warrior, stalker "aka rogue", esper, medic, engineer, and the coolest i think the Spellslinger

    Basic overview of all classes is found http://www.wildstar-online.com/en/the-game/classes/

    warrior just what it sound plate armor with a big nuclear powered sword

    stalker dual wielding retractable claws "wolverine"

    esper summons illusions to confuse and damage enemies psyblade is the weapon of choice for there guys

    medic just what it sounds like but can heal or dps 2 big ass defib paddles as weapons

    engineer high powered rifle with little bots that help them out "TF2"

    and again my personal favorite the SPELLSLINGER dual wielding pistols that shoot energy.

    Well hope someone else will like it so i can play with the clan on here as well.

    {What we do in life Echoes in Eternity} so pls PTO
  2. Gr3mlyn New Member

    Nov 17, 2013
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    Still waiting on my key :/
  3. {AW}ResidentEvil Clan Leader
    Staff Member

    Oct 18, 2013
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    Lets try and stay Battlefield players!! LOL :Thanks: :spank: :whip:


  4. r3ap3r63 New Member

    Jan 13, 2014
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    I play more than just bf4 lol
  5. {AW}ResidentEvil Clan Leader
    Staff Member

    Oct 18, 2013
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    Just kidding around bro!! :wavey:

  6. r3ap3r63 New Member

    Jan 13, 2014
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    lol i know
  7. Gr3mlyn New Member

    Nov 17, 2013
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    BF4 LYFE!
  8. r3ap3r63 New Member

    Jan 13, 2014
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    ur a tool lol
  9. {AW}ResidentEvil Clan Leader
    Staff Member

    Oct 18, 2013
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    Yeah.... Killing Tool! :You_Rock:

  10. r3ap3r63 New Member

    Jan 13, 2014
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    Wow super tool on deck haha

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