As I talked about in TS, here is a link to a site showing how to add a user.cfg file to BF4. This just shows how to add the file and suggests a couple of the most common commands to add. I'm ignorant of all of the other commands and what they do, but if you google user.cfg file for bf4 you can find a lot of other gamers post their favorites to add.
I guess this would be good to know for ppl who have minimum spec's computer playing the game! ... so good find! ... but for me I see no benefits for doing this as my rig seems to play smooth as butter and I'm happy with game play as is! :greed: also, I noticed this line on the article too... "You should cap your FPS at just over what your monitor can display. Unless you shelled out the extra money for a 120Hz monitor, chances are you have a 60Hz monitor so you can see no more than 60 FPS." ... actually, I shelled out for a 144Hz monitor! :Woot: