Hey people, I'm considering joining this clan! I've been mulling it over for months now but I just cant seem to get away from your group or your server! Help! An intervention is in order. Been having a great time sparring with everyone, riding along during the high flying acrobatics of ContractKiller and Res, listening to Die get pissed on TS, fragging illiterate/Wolf, and occasionally killiing Gr3m. You guys have a great group here and I've appreciated learning tips and tricks in and out of game. The forums are very responsive, informative and constructive - awesome! I think you guys may know (by now) that I live in San Francisco with my wife and young son (another boy on the way!) and 2 dogs. I've been an avid gamer most of my life starting with the Commador 64, Vic 20, Atari 2600, Nintendo, Sega genesis, playstation, etc. You may not know that I used to work at Electronic Arts as a QA game tester and worked on the first iteration of Battlefield (1942) around 2002/03. I also used to be an avid Unreal Tournament player and I'm almost positive I downloaded and played some of Laambo's custom maps! Crap! My kid just knocked over his juice! Gotta run!
Bout time you come around and get sucked in with these nincompoops! Good to see you enjoy our company as we do yours!
Did you always live up in SF? My wife's cousin also worked for EA for some time but that was at their El Segundo/Playa del Rey location. He was in the art department and his name was Art lol.
Been in SF for around 13yrs now.. I didn't know Art who does Art for the Art dept though.. Wonder if he got the job primarily based on his name?
You don't get a vote right now... and I heard even if you get in, you still might not get a vote! :tongue:
:Welcome: to the clan MonsterZero! :Welcome: MonsterZero.... please read the Clan rules in our private section. You should now be able to view the private clan section at bottom of forums! :cheers: ~Res